Friday, May 1, 2020

Week of May 4th Music Lesson/Activities

Hello families!

Enjoy the playlist of activities for this week (click on the playlist relevant to your student): Week of May 4th (Kinder, 1st, 2nd) or Week of May 4th (3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th) or IS students (information at end of post). I'll also include links to each video below if you'd rather have 1 video available at a time.

These activities are based on the at-home music lesson templates I explain in this video.

Below I suggest when you can add other activities that don't involve our Youtube channel (those will have << >> around them to show you'll need to have other materials available). Remember: do what works for your family. Have fun, and happy music making!

Kinder, 1st, and 2nd
1. Echo and canon clapping game: do the echo/canon clapping with me in the video, or make some rhythms and sounds with someone in your house.
2. De Colores Song: We're continuing to work on this song. This website gives you the full translation of the lyrics. Can you sing half of the song yet???
<<3. Music Book: read a music book, or watch someone else read a music related book to you>>
<<4. Wiggle Break: do some more echo/canon clapping, or go to>>
5. Bump Up Tomato: It's time for everyone's favorite game! Kinders - you'll want to skip to 3:44 in the video because none of the notation will make sense. But! you can learn the song and game for when we play it in class the next time we see each other. 1st/2nd graders - have fun, you know how this game goes :)
<<6. Make some music: play an instrument in your house, sing-a-long to any video our Mrs. Harreld's youtube channel, use a virtual instrument, or make choices in a music game (digital or otherwise). Check out this blog post for more ideas >>
7. Little Hawks Song: sing our Little Hawks and remember you're not alone! (Bonus: if you want to sing along to "Help" as well I've included it in the playlist).

3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th
1. Treble Clef Song and Game: review this fun song/game from last week. See if you can leave out a different word this time!
Bonus: Do some singing practice with this video before you sing in the next game.
<<2. Wiggle break: do some echo/canon clapping, or go to>>
3. Sing in a Round: This week we are reviewing how to sing in a round! We do this every week in choir with our "Coffee" song, and you did it with me in 2nd grade if you were at MTE. If you're super tech savy, you can record yourself singing, and then sing in a round with yourself like I do in the video! If you're able to manage that please let me know, I will be super impressed :)
<<4. Make some music/musical choices! Play an instrument (remember, a cup is an instrument!), sing a song, dance to music, draw to music, make choices in a musical game (check out this blog post for more ideas), or listen to music>>
5. Little Hawks Song: Sing with me and remember you're not alone! We're all in this together. (Bonus: if you want to sing along to "Help" as well I've included it in the playlist).

Ms. W-J and Ms. Arbuckle's students
Please review the notes names in our boom whacker videos, or choose from one of the playlists above to enjoy! You can practice the boom whacker songs by picking one note (A, B, C, D, E, F, or G) to clap every time it appears. I know a bunch of you liked "E" (the yellow one), so you can try clapping only when the yellow "E" appears and move on from there :)
Skeleton Dance
In the Hall of the Mountain King
Smashing Pumpkins
Pirates of the Caribbean
Popcorn II (the harder version)
Popcorn I (the easier version)
How Far I'll Go

If a student would like feedback about their performance, or they have questions, they can fill out this google form using their district email and I'll respond there: Get Feedback from Mrs. Harreld

Miss you all tons, take care!