Monday, September 16, 2019

Changes in Music Staffing for Band

Hello friends!

In June 2019 the school district reduced our staffing district wide and that led to a lot of music teachers changing their positions. This included asking me to teach band in 19-20 school year. I said "yes", and we started this school year with me teaching 5th grade band, and Ms. Bierman returning to teach 6th grade band. Well, last week we found out that our staff at MTE was restored, which means I no longer have time in my day to teach band (I will be teaching general music full time).

For now students will be working with our special guest Ms. Oakley! Ms. Oakley is a former general music specialist, band teacher, current coach of the Cascade Youth Orchestras, and has already been working with our students helping them try out the flute during our instrument try-out days :)
On Wednesday we will be sending home fliers about 5th grade band, and she will communicate more with the students then. If you have questions about 5th grade band you can email her:
If you Ms. Oakley doesn't have the answer, you can email the district music and visual arts coordinator Scott Barnes:
If you have questions about 6th grade band you can email Ms. Bierman:

Our orchestra teacher is still Mr. Collins (yay!). You can email him here if you have orchestra questions: