Friday, April 3, 2020

March Newsletter

March started in the music room on campus, and now we’re moving to a music room online! This email is going to detail exactly what your student(s) needs in order to have access to music materials from me during this digital learning experience. I believe you know what is best for your student(s) and your family right now. So, please only take from the resources below what you want. With that, here is the music plan for MTE:
  1. (UPDATED 4/10/20) On Friday afternoons I will email you with a link to our music website: 
    • There will be a new post listing all of the music activities for each grade level (and their corresponding links) to do the following week. This is especially useful if you have students in multiple grade levels. 
    • The list of activities is a suggestion. I tried to create fun, easy-to-access lessons for all of our students.  Feel free to choose from the list however you want, and/or change the order as it works best for you. Do what is best for you and your family :)
  2. On Mondays between 8:00am and 8:30am I will post on each ClassDojo classroom and Google Classroom grade-level specific music activities for the week (including links as I’m able). This way, if you have a student that is tech savy they can guide themselves through the set of activities on their own. Also, this allows students (or you) to chat with me about specific activities as they arise via ClassDojo/Google Classroom.
  3. Each morning (Monday-Friday, 9:00am-12:00pm) I will be available to respond to messages/emails. I will do my best to respond to messages as I receive them!
  4. On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 9:00am I will post a new video on our YouTube channel: Mrs. Harreld is on YouTube! The videos include songs/games from the music room that students already know, or were going to learn very soon. This is a way for them to see me when it is best for you, because I know we’re not all operating on the same schedule. 
  5. On Wednesdays at 10:30am Ms. McGee, Mr. Winkeljohn, and I will be hosting a fun Zoom chat for our families! We will focus on playing games, sharing, and moving our bodies for 30 minutes. We encourage the entire family to join these Zoom chats, and ask you to read the guidelines for the chat when we send the invitation. We want everyone to have a fun time and be safe. We will remind families about the chat on Tuesday evenings, and post the link to join the chat on ClassDojo and email it out to families at 10:25am Wednesday mornings.
Right now music can be a source of joy, a pleasant distraction, an expression of the unspeakable, or anything else you need it to be.  If your student is already making music on their own they are welcome to pursue their individual interests (choosing their own ukulele songs, creating a cups rhythm, writing their own song, etc.). These weekly lesson ideas will always be available should they want a change of pace. Lastly, I am here to help. So, please send questions my way as they come up. I’ll see you on the other side of the screen!