Friday, April 24, 2020

Week of April 27th Music Lesson/Activities

Hello families!

Enjoy the playlist of activities for this week (click on the playlist relevant to your student): Week of April 27th (Kinder, 1st, 2nd) or Week of April 27th (3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th) or IS students (information at end of post). I'll also include links to each video below if you'd rather have 1 video available at a time.

These activities are based on the at-home music lesson templates I explain in this video.

Below I suggest when you can add other activities that don't involve our Youtube channel (those will have << >> around them to show you'll need to have other materials available). Remember: do what works for your family. Have fun, and happy music making!

Kinder, 1st, and 2nd
1. Echo and canon clapping game: do the echo/canon clapping with me in the video, or make some rhythms and sounds with someone in your house.
2. De Colores Song: We're continuing to learn De Colores. This website gives you the full translation of the lyrics. This week please try to sing more of the song with me (In fact, I'd like you to come back to the song again after a break to get some extra practice this week)
<<3. Music Book: read a music book, or watch someone else read a music related book to you>>
<<4. Wiggle Break: do some more echo/canon clapping, or go to>>
5. De Colores/Practice Singing!: Kinders - watch the video again and try to sing more of the song with me (the 2nd half is much easier to learn b/c it's mostly the animal sounds), and 1st/2nd graders get to singing with me in the video using Do, Re, Mi, So, and La!
<<6. Make some music: play an instrument in your house, sing-a-long to any video our Mrs. Harreld's youtube channel, use a virtual instrument, or make choices in a music game (digital or otherwise). Check out this blog post for more ideas >>
7. Little Hawks Song: sing our Little Hawks and remember you're not alone! (Bonus: if you want to sing along to "High Hopes" as well I've included it in the playlist).

3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th
1. Learn/Review how to hold a ukulele (3rd graders this is a head start for next year!), and then how to read ukulele tabs (this will also help you piece together how to read guitar tabs - it's the same idea but with 6 strings instead of 4, and different note names)
<<2. Wiggle break: do some echo/canon clapping, or go to>>
3. Treble Clef Song and Game (3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th): For this game, you need to eventually remove a word from our phrase "Every Good Banana Does Fabulous" much like you leave out letters in the song "Bingo". Let me know which word you chose to leave out!
<<4. Make some music/musical choices! Play an instrument (remember, a cup is an instrument!), sing a song, dance to music, draw to music, make choices in a musical game (check out this blog post for more ideas), or listen to music>>
5. Little Hawks Song: Sing with me and remember you're not alone! We're all in this together. (Bonus: if you want to sing along to "High Hopes" as well I've included it in the playlist).

Ms. W-J and Ms. Arbuckle's students
Please review the notes names in our boom whacker videos, or choose from one of the playlists above to enjoy! You can practice the boom whacker songs by picking one note (A, B, C, D, E, F, or G) to clap every time it appears. I know a bunch of you liked "E" (the yellow one), so you can try clapping only when the yellow "E" appears and move on from there :)
Skeleton Dance
In the Hall of the Mountain King
Smashing Pumpkins
Pirates of the Caribbean
Popcorn II (the harder version)
Popcorn I (the easier version)
How Far I'll Go

If a student would like feedback about their performance, or they have questions, they can fill out this google form using their district email and I'll respond there: Get Feedback from Mrs. Harreld

Miss you all tons, take care!

Friday, April 17, 2020

Week of April 20th Music Lesson/Activities

Hello families!

Enjoy the playlist of activities for this week (click on the playlist relevant to your student): Week of April 20th (Kinder, 1st, 2nd) or Week of April 20th (3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th) or IS students (information at end of post). I'll also include links to each video below if you'd rather have 1 video available at a time.

These activities are based on the at-home music lesson templates I explain in this video.

Below I suggest when you can add other activities that don't involve our Youtube channel (those will have << >> around them to show you'll need to have other materials available). Remember: do what works for your family. Have fun, and happy music making!

Kinder, 1st, and 2nd
1. Echo and canon clapping game: do the echo/canon clapping with me in the video, or make some rhythms and sounds with someone in your house.
2. De Colores Song: We're learning a new song! De Colores translates to "The Colors" in English, and the song is an expression of joy of all of the colors we have. This website gives you the full translation of the lyrics. This week you may just listen to the song once or twice. Then, as you feel ready, please start to sing-a-long with me :)
<<3. Music Book: read a music book, or watch someone else read a music related book to you>>
<<4. Wiggle Break: do some more echo/canon clapping, or go to>>
5. Draw a Treble Clef/"Naughty Kitty Cat" Round: Kinders learn how to draw a Treble Clef, and 1st/2nd graders get to sing "Naughty Kitty Cat" in a Round. If you want to do both activities instead of just one, go for it!
<<6. Make some music: play an instrument in your house, sing-a-long to any video our Mrs. Harreld's youtube channel, use a virtual instrument (like this piano website:, or make choices in a music game (digital or otherwise). Check out this blog post for more ideas >>
7. Little Hawks Song: sing our Little Hawks and remember you're not alone! (Bonus: if you want to sing along to "Happy" as well I've included it in the playlist).

3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th
1. Review the notes on the 5-line staff, and then learn this fun game that uses our phrase "Every Good Banana Does Fabulous, FACE!"
<<2. Wiggle break: do some echo/canon clapping, or go to>>
3. Bim Bum Biddi (3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th): This game is so fun, everyone is doing it this week! Once you've learned my version you can (and should!) come up with your own.
<<4. Make some music/musical choices! Play an instrument (remember, a cup is an instrument!), sing a song, dance to music, draw to music, make choices in a musical game (check out this blog post for more ideas), or listen to music>>
5. Little Hawks Song: Sing with me and remember you're not alone! We're all in this together. (Bonus: if you want to sing along to "Happy" as well I've included it in the playlist).

Ms. W-J and Ms. Arbuckle's students
Please review the notes names in our boom whacker videos, or choose from one of the playlists above to enjoy! You can practice the boom whacker songs by picking one note (A, B, C, D, E, F, or G) to clap every time it appears. I know a bunch of you liked "E" (the yellow one), so you can try clapping only when the yellow "E" appears and move on from there :)
Skeleton Dance
In the Hall of the Mountain King
Smashing Pumpkins
Pirates of the Caribbean
Popcorn II (the harder version)
Popcorn I (the easier version)
How Far I'll Go

If a student would like feedback about their performance, or they have questions, they can fill out this google form using their district email and I'll respond there: Get Feedback from Mrs. Harreld

Miss you all tons, take care!

Monday, April 13, 2020

Edmonds School District wins a music education award!

Edmond School District’s Music Education Program Receives National Recognition
This is the 14th time we’ve been awarded this honor!

Edmonds School District has been honored with the Best Communities for Music Education designation for 2020 from The NAMM Foundation for its outstanding commitment to music education. 

Now in its 21st year, the Best Communities for Music Education designation is awarded to districts that demonstrate outstanding achievement in efforts to provide music access and education to all students. To qualify for the Best Communities designation, Edmonds School District answered detailed questions about funding, graduation requirements, music class participation, instruction time, facilities, support for the music programs, Responses were verified with school officials and reviewed by The Music Research Institute at the University of Kansas.

This award recognizes that Edmonds is leading the way with learning opportunities as outlined in the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). The legislation guides implementation in the states and replaces the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) which was often criticized for an overemphasis on testing-while leaving behind subjects such as music. ESSA recommends music and the arts as important elements of a well-rounded education for all children. 

Research into music education continues to demonstrate educational/cognitive and social skill benefits for children who make music. After two years of music education, research found that participants showed more substantial improvements in how the brain processes speech and reading scores that their less-involved peers and that students who are involved in music are not only more likely to graduate high school, but also to attend college as well. Everyday listening skills are stronger in musically-trained children that in those without music training. Significantly, listening skills are closely tied to the ability to: perceive speech in a noisy background, pay attention, and keep sounds in memory. Later in life, individuals who took music lessons as children show stronger neural processing of sound; young adults and even older adults who have not played an instrument for up to 50 years show enhanced neural processing compared to their peers. Not to mention, social benefits include conflict resolution, teamwork skills, and how to give and receive constructive criticism.

A 2015 study supported by The NAMM Foundation, “Striking A Chord,” also outlines the overwhelming desire by teachers and parents for music education opportunities for all children as part of the school curriculum.

About The NAMM Foundation

The NAMM Foundation is a nonprofit supported in part by the National Association of Music Merchants and its approximately 10,400 members around the world. The foundation advances active participation in music making across the lifespan by supporting scientific research, philanthropic giving, and public service programs. For more information about the NAMM Foundation, please visit

Friday, April 10, 2020

Music Activities for 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th graders

Movement websites:

Go Noodle website:
Kidboomer's Youtube channel:

Music-making websites/apps:
Flat (our district approved composition program):
Treble Clef Note Name Game:
Treble Clef Note Listening Game:

Music Activities for Kinders, 1st graders, and 2nd graders

Movement websites:

Go Noodle website:
Kidboomer's Youtube channel:

Read-a-loud videos:

Mr Winkeljohn! - (coming soon)
Here is website with a list of many children's authors reading their books-
KidTimeStoryTime's Youtube channel -

Music-making websites/apps:
Solfege Identification Game (on a 5-line staff - Do, Re, Mi, Sol, La hints are on the right side of the staff):
Solfege Note Listening Game:
Chrome Music Lab:
Mazaam (FREE iOS/Google app until June 30th):
Easy Music (iOS app):
Loopimal (iOS app):

Week of April 13th Music Lesson/Activities

Hello families!

Enjoy the playlist of activities for this week (click on the playlist relevant to your student): Week of April 13th (Kinder, 1st, 2nd) or Week of April 13th (3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th) or IS students (information at end of post). I'll also include links to each video below if you'd rather have 1 video available at a time.

These activities are based on the at-home music lesson templates I explain in this video.

Below I suggest when you can add other activities that don't involve our Youtube channel (those will have << >> around them to show you'll need to have other materials available). Remember: do what works for your family. Have fun, and happy music making!

Kinder, 1st, and 2nd
1. Echo and canon clapping game: do the echo/canon clapping with me in the video, or make some rhythms and sounds with someone in your house.
2. Ni hao Jambo Greetings Song: sing and move to this fun song. Kinders and 2nd graders know this already, 1st graders enjoy learning this fun song.
<<3. Music Book: read a music book, or watch someone else read a music related book to you>>
<<4. Wiggle Break: do some more echo/canon clapping, or go to>>
5. Ekaki Uta/2-line staff compositions: Kinders draw and sing some Ekaki Uta, and 1st/2nd graders get to write music on their 2 line staff. If you want to do both activities instead of just one, go for it!
<<6. Make some music: play an instrument in your house, sing-a-long to any video our Mrs. Harreld's youtube channel, use a virtual instrument (like this piano website:, or make choices in a music game (digital or otherwise). Check out this blog post for more ideas >>
7. Little Hawks Song: sing our Little Hawks and remember you're not alone!

3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th
1. How-to videos: review how to draw/read a treble clef, how to read/use a time signature, and how to read ledger lines on the treble clef staff (watch 2 or 3 of these videos depending on time)
<<2. Wiggle break: do some echo/canon clapping, or go to>>
3. De Colores (3rd), Treble Clef Staff Composition (4th), Compositions (5th/6th):
---3rd grade: Sing De Colores with the video 3 times, then perform it for someone in your home
--- 4th grade: Recreate "Hot Cross Buns" on a treble clef staff on paper, or in (Here is a link to our Recorder Book in case you forgot the notes :)
---5th grade: Create a new score in using 3 different instruments and 4 complete measures
---6th grade: Create a new score in using 3 different instrument, 4 complete measures, and include the following rhythms: pair of eighth notes, quarter note, quarter rest, half note, half rest
I will be looking at your work through my teacher account. No need to worry about connecting to my class if you haven't! We'll be connected b/c you have to use your district email to log in, and we're all under the same school license. Also, if you don't have access to you can draw your music staff for each instrument on paper and write your music that way :)
<<4. Make some music/musical choices! Play an instrument (remember, a cup is an instrument!), sing a song, dance to music, draw to music, make choices in a musical game (check out this blog post for more ideas), or listen to music>>
5. Little Hawks Song: Sing with me and remember you're not alone! We're all in this together.

Ms. W-J and Ms. Arbuckle's students
Please review the notes names in our boom whacker videos, or choose from one of the playlists above to enjoy! You can practice the boom whacker songs by picking one note (A, B, C, D, E, F, or G) to clap every time it appears. I know a bunch of you liked "E" (the yellow one), so you can try clapping only when the yellow "E" appears and move on from there :)
Skeleton Dance
In the Hall of the Mountain King
Smashing Pumpkins
Pirates of the Caribbean
Popcorn II (the harder version)
Popcorn I (the easier version)
How Far I'll Go

If a student would like feedback about their performance, or they have questions, they can fill out this google form using their district email and I'll respond there: Get Feedback from Mrs. Harreld

Miss you all tons, take care!

Friday, April 3, 2020

March Newsletter

March started in the music room on campus, and now we’re moving to a music room online! This email is going to detail exactly what your student(s) needs in order to have access to music materials from me during this digital learning experience. I believe you know what is best for your student(s) and your family right now. So, please only take from the resources below what you want. With that, here is the music plan for MTE:
  1. (UPDATED 4/10/20) On Friday afternoons I will email you with a link to our music website: 
    • There will be a new post listing all of the music activities for each grade level (and their corresponding links) to do the following week. This is especially useful if you have students in multiple grade levels. 
    • The list of activities is a suggestion. I tried to create fun, easy-to-access lessons for all of our students.  Feel free to choose from the list however you want, and/or change the order as it works best for you. Do what is best for you and your family :)
  2. On Mondays between 8:00am and 8:30am I will post on each ClassDojo classroom and Google Classroom grade-level specific music activities for the week (including links as I’m able). This way, if you have a student that is tech savy they can guide themselves through the set of activities on their own. Also, this allows students (or you) to chat with me about specific activities as they arise via ClassDojo/Google Classroom.
  3. Each morning (Monday-Friday, 9:00am-12:00pm) I will be available to respond to messages/emails. I will do my best to respond to messages as I receive them!
  4. On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 9:00am I will post a new video on our YouTube channel: Mrs. Harreld is on YouTube! The videos include songs/games from the music room that students already know, or were going to learn very soon. This is a way for them to see me when it is best for you, because I know we’re not all operating on the same schedule. 
  5. On Wednesdays at 10:30am Ms. McGee, Mr. Winkeljohn, and I will be hosting a fun Zoom chat for our families! We will focus on playing games, sharing, and moving our bodies for 30 minutes. We encourage the entire family to join these Zoom chats, and ask you to read the guidelines for the chat when we send the invitation. We want everyone to have a fun time and be safe. We will remind families about the chat on Tuesday evenings, and post the link to join the chat on ClassDojo and email it out to families at 10:25am Wednesday mornings.
Right now music can be a source of joy, a pleasant distraction, an expression of the unspeakable, or anything else you need it to be.  If your student is already making music on their own they are welcome to pursue their individual interests (choosing their own ukulele songs, creating a cups rhythm, writing their own song, etc.). These weekly lesson ideas will always be available should they want a change of pace. Lastly, I am here to help. So, please send questions my way as they come up. I’ll see you on the other side of the screen!