Thursday, May 2, 2019

April Newsletter

Happy May, everyone! April was a fun month, and we finished off with the dance dude this week! Did you know the dance dude is hosting a dance tomorrow night at 6:00pm?? Our theme is "The Jungle", so wear exciting colors, clothing with animals on it, or animal print and get ready to dance! This is not a drop off event, so all students need a chaperone. The event ends at 7:30pm, and there will not be food available. So, please make sure to eat before you come :)
Here is what happened in the music room before the dance dude came:
Kindergarten - We're continuing to work on our hand-percussion unit with a farm theme. We are currently up to 5 animals and instruments! We've also been working on matching pitch, and demonstrating a canon with body percussion.
1st grade - We are composing are own songs to play on tone bells. We are also working on matching pitch with each other in a singing echo game at the beginning of each class.
2nd grade - We are reviewing Mi, Sol, La with a composition on tone bells, then we'll add Do and Re! We are also working on matching pitch with each other in a singing echo game at the beginning of each class.
3rd grade - We finished updating our passports, and learning about Ekaki Uta (Japanese drawing songs). We learned how to draw a fish, a duck, a pig, and a dog as we sang.
4th grade - We are working hard on our belt songs, and have now mastered the Yellow Belt song, Gently Sleep. It's challenging because it's a lullaby, so you don't want to play too fast or too loud. Next is Orange Belt: Merrily We Roll Along!
5th grade - We can play all 3 parts of our xylophone song! Now, we'll jam out as we learn how to improvise on a pentatonic scale :)
6th grade - We learned the ukulele part for our end of year song, High Hopes. We'll do a quick review next week, and then learn the xylophone part for the rest of May.