Tuesday, November 26, 2019

November Newsletter

Happy Thanksgiving from the Music Room! We had a very eventful November, here are some highlights from each grade level :)

Kindergarten: we learned how to "trace" melodies as we sing them, and started using hand percussion in our "Going to the Farm" game. Eventually, we'll have 7 instruments at once to use in our game - so exciting! We also learned what it means to "echo" (copy) someone, and created 4-beat body-percussion patterns for each other to echo.

1st grade: we finished our steady beat game and have full command of our 3 1st-grade rhythms: ta, ti-ti, rest (quarter note, pair of eighth notes, quarter rest). We also started discussing how we'll be writing our own rhythms to perform on hand percussion as we become composers :)

2nd grade: we had a fabulous performance at the Veterans' Day Assembly, great job! We quickly transitioned back into review mode and went over all the notes/rhythms we learned in 1st grade. Then, we added 2 new notes for 2nd grade ("Do" and "Re") and started playing a game that allows us to perform songs in a round (a canon with songs!). Students learned "Naught Kitty Cat" and "Bow Wow Wow" for this game.

3rd grade: we made AWESOME progress on our Water Cycle song, and got through the entire first page. This is huge! We're now going to do some intensive work on our singing in December as we prepare for our performance in the Winter Assembly on December 20th. We'll be joining the choir on a partner song, "Happy Winter".

4th grade: we can read tabs, play 3 (almost 4) chords on the ukulele while singing, and read a lyrics/tab page. So cool! Now, we're transitioning to standard notation in preparation for recorder in January. We'll review what we learned last year, and keep strumming away until the end of December. :)

5th grade: we tried to go back to ukuleles, and had mixed success. So, we're changing it up! We're going to do an intensive notation review in preparation for work on a computer notation software called FLAT. All students have access to this program via their Edmonds email, and it's totally free! Check it out: https://flat.io/
We'll review all of the notation knowledge from 4th grade through December and hopefully start working with the notation software in January.

6th grade: our work on the song "Pride" has been inspiring. We're learning the basics of cajon right now (the drum we'll be using for the song), and we'll add ukulele back to the mix in a couple of weeks. We're performing this song at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Assembly on January 13th at 9:30am. I hope some of you can make it. It's going to be awesome :)

Also, the Mountlake Terrace Tree Lighting is December 6th at 6:45pm at the Evergreen Playfield on 52nd Ave W. Our Little Hawk Choir will join with Terrace Park's choir to sing songs of peace and snow before the event officially starts. Then everyone is invited to sing holiday songs during the event with the choirs. Dress warm, and bring a smile. There is free hot chocolate and cookies for anyone that attends!

Friday, November 1, 2019

October Newsletter

Hello MTE families! This month was quite busy in the music room. Here are some highlights within each grade level :)

Kindergarten: We continued to work on our "steady beat", and started playing a name game to demonstrate the difference between a chanting (talking) voice and a singing voice. We also discussed the different sections of the orchestra and watched a short video to see how a double bass is made. We continued to work on our proximity games and continue to explore our creativity in our movement.

1st grade: We continued to work on our "steady beat" game - we're up to level 3! We are working very hard to understand the relationship between ti-ti (eighth notes) and ta (quarter notes). We're even using rhythm cards to practice this concept. We're also discussing the names of the various parts of music notation (bar line, measure, double bar line), and reviewed the different sections of the orchestra.

2nd grade: We are performing our song "Red, White, and Blue" at the the Veterans Day Assembly on November 5th at 9:30am. They sound great! We discussed all of the work that goes into being a singer including the correct posture, how to sing with a supported sound, and the importance of breathing.

3rd grade: We continue to work with the Water Cycle Cups song, and now we're reading it using standard notation! Student are responsible for being able to read the cups ostinato rhythm while singing and performing the cups pattern. This is a LOT of work, and I am so proud of them!

4th grade: We have made a lot of progress with our ukulele knowledge. Students know how to hold the instrument, strum, read tabs, and transition between the C, a-minor, and F chords. We've moved on to reading a lyrics/tabs sheet like one they would find online if they were trying to learn a song on their own at home. This is an excellent skill to have for independent music making. We'll continue to work on this for years to come :)

5th grade: We are performing our song "Red, White, and Blue" at the the Veterans Day Assembly on November 5th at 9:30am. We will not be using ukuleles for this performance. We simply didn't have enough time to learn the song on ukulele, but that's okay! We'll perform with the 2nd graders using our sign language, and then we'll learn the song on ukulele after the performance. This song teaches some really great skills (island strum, chucking), so it'll be useful to keep working on after the performance.

6th grade: We continue to work on our song "Pride" for the Martin Luther King, Jr. Assembly in January. These students are rocking out! We are finally singing while strumming and students are beginning to explore the dynamic differences between different sections of the song. Our goal is to be able to play through the song without stopping on ukulele before Thanksgiving so we can start working on cajons in December.